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After Holiday Cleaning: Hire Help

Nov 12, 2013 12:30:00 PM

bigstock-Family-All-Together-At-Christm-4881220Having the family over for the holidays is enjoyable and rewarding in many ways. Seeing people you do not see all of the time is what the holidays are about. They are also about getting together and having a meal, sharing conversations and watching any of the games. A dreaded aspect for any host, though, is the required after holiday cleaning. This is when it may be helpful to hire a professional house cleaning service in Jacksonville.

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Topics: carpet cleaning company Jacksonville, house cleaning Jacksonville

How to Enjoy Your Own Holiday Party

Nov 7, 2013 12:01:00 PM

bigstock-Friends-At-A-Dinner-Party-13895528Throwing a great party takes a lot of planning as a host or hostess. Before the party, the entire space needs to be cleaned to make an impression on the guests. Then, during the party, that space comes completely undone. Even the most polite party goers will contribute to a messy home. Once the party is over and the guests go home, the host or hostess needs to start the rigorous cleaning process.

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Topics: house cleaning and home improvement Jacksonville, carpet cleaning company Jacksonville, Air Duct Cleaning

The Kids are off to School; Now’s the Time to Clean your Carpets

Oct 12, 2013 12:33:00 PM

Spring is usually considered the best time for cleaning house. However, when school starts and the kids are gone, there is no better time to begin some of those home cleaning projects that took a back seat to the summer. The primary part of your home that should benefit during this period is your carpeting.

Cleaning Process

carpet cleaning company Jacksonville Most companies will tell you to vacuum your carpets before you cleaning. First Coast Home Pros will do the pre-vacuuming for you. The application process is called the CHAT system. That means FCHP applies Chemicals, Heat, Agitation, and Time. This method is used in balanced measures. FCHP uses intense steam cleaning on your carpeting. Despite what other companies may try to tell you, it is the manufacturers who prefer their product to be cleaned by hot water extraction, or steam. Only the newest equipment, exclusive to First Coast Home Pros, is used, and it provides the hottest water, deepest penetration, and most intense suction that can be found anywhere in the business.

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Topics: Carpet Cleaning, carpet cleaning company Jacksonville, house cleaning, house cleaning Jacksonville, Home Improvement

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