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Checklist for a Holiday-Ready Home

Dec 15, 2016 8:38:13 AM

With the holidays around the corner, the to-do lists and chores might already be getting overwhelming.  Our checklist and tips will help you get your home ready for guests, ready for parties, and ready for holiday fun!

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Topics: holiday cleaning

Keeping Carpet Clean With Pets

Dec 1, 2016 7:00:00 AM

Dogs and cats are a part of many households, and to most of us, they’re family.  However, the shedding, urine spots, and other little messes that come along with pets can take a toll on your carpet, if you’re not careful.  Our tips will help you keep your carpet looking great, no matter how many four-legged family members you have in your home!

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Topics: keeping carpet clean with pets

Tips For Keeping Your Upholstery Clean

Nov 24, 2016 7:00:00 AM

When is the last time you cleaned your upholstered furniture?  If you’re like most homeowners, you probably can’t remember; this important cleaning task is frequently overlooked.  We don’t walk on the upholstery like we do carpet or other flooring, so we don’t think about how badly it might need to be cleaned.  In the meantime, dirt, dust, allergens, and bacteria of all kinds settle deep into the fibers of our favorite sofas and chairs.

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Topics: Upholstery Cleaning

5 Important Fall Cleaning Projects for Your Home’s Exterior

Nov 10, 2016 3:30:38 PM

Fall is here, and it’s a good idea to take advantage of the great weather and get your home ready for the upcoming season.  Here are five cleaning projects you don’t want to overlook:

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First Coast Home Pros: The Best Cleaning Service You'll Ever Invite Into Your Home

Oct 26, 2016 12:25:38 PM

Screen Shot 2016-10-26 at 11.52.08 AM.jpgIs your home in need of a good cleaning? Is it time to finally take care of the stains on the carpet? Are you no longer able to clean your home to the standard you would like? Do you need help with difficult areas, such as your roof, gutters, or siding? Whatever your cleaning need, First Coast Home Pros is the answer. This family business offers award winning services for your home. They are the answer for your cleaning service need in Jacksonville FL.

Carpet Cleaning
FCHP uses the steam cleaning method to achieve a deep and long lasting clean for your carpets. Included free of charge is treatment of most spots and stains on your carpet. FCHP uses top of the line truck mounted cleaning equipment, ensuring you the best carpet clean in the industry. Unlike other carpet cleaners, FCHP cleaning service Jacksonville FL promises to treat you with integrity, with no hidden fees or extra charges.

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Topics: Carpet Cleaning, Window Cleaning, Gutter Cleaning, Roof Cleaning, cleaning services Jacksonville, grout and tile cleaning, house cleaning, Air Duct Cleaning, Tile and Grout Cleaning, Pressure Washing, Housekeeping

How to Determine if Rug Repair is Worthwhile by Brian Benzel

Oct 13, 2016 8:00:00 AM

One of the first things we do when looking at the potential repair/restoration of a rug, is determining whether or not the repair is worthwhile. The value of a piece can be discerned in a multitude of ways: perhaps you need a replacement value, an insured value, a fair market value, or other usually insurance policy related value. These numbers are subjective to a degree, but they are all quantifiable. You can generate a hard number to use as a basis for determining the worth of getting a repair done. 

However, there is one value that can’t be so neatly defined: sentimental value. A client’s rug may be something that has no real value left due to extensive damage or wear, but sentimental value is something that can push an unrecommended repair into a reasonable prospect. In cases like these, repairs are often done just to preserve the look of the rug for as long as possible. 

At Serafian’s Oriental Rugs, we try to be practical and economical in these instances. With countless ways to repair damage, we try to line our repairs up with a client’s budget. Some clients are willing to put money into more laborious and technical repairs, despite our recommendations due to rug value, while others just want the cheapest method available to add life to the rug. We often rely on the use of latex and machine serging to keep the price down and in a manageable place for clients.

We recently had a Meshed that’s value could only be described as sentimental. He remembered playing on the rug as a young child, and despite the obvious wear beyond reasonable restoration, he wanted to know if there was anything we could do to salvage it in any fashion. Together we decided that cutting the rug down would be the best option, as the most damaged areas were nearer the perimeter.
We thoroughly cleaned both sides of the rug.

The rug brightened up significantly, but the exposed cottons from the foundation were now equally vibrant, diminishing the newly vibrant colors of the piece.

Examining what we could salvage, we decided on cutting down to a new perimeter that encompassed the whole of the central medallion. The rug is so worn on top, that we decided to flip the rug over, as it showed minimal damage on the back. Although traffic on the back side of a rug is typically a quick way to wear it out, the front had so much exposed warp and weft, that it was the safest route, along with the added benefit of being more aesthetically pleasing for the client.

We secured the edges with binding tape and latex to add a little strength, and then we serged all four edges to complete the look. We also saved the scraps for the client to possibly turn them into pillows in the future.

Although the original rug was too far gone to warrant preservation, our client was thrilled to have a “new” rug made from this piece from his childhood. We were able to keep the price down by using more cost effective methods to accommodate the client’s needs.
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Topics: rug repair

Tips For Keeping Wood Floors Clean

Sep 29, 2016 8:00:00 AM

It’s easy to see why wood floors are a valuable part of any home.  They are beautiful, sturdy, and enhance whatever type of room they are in.  They’re also relatively easy to clean, though it’s important that you don’t overlook the maintenance cleaning.  Our tips will help you keep your wood flooring in great shape and looking good! Here are our most important tips for maintaining your hardwood floors:
  • Sweep daily - One of the most important things you can do for your floors is to sweep them regularly.  This keeps them looking their best, but more importantly, removes all soil and debris that could otherwise get ground down into the boards and cause damage.  Sweep the high traffic areas daily, including around the cabinets and island in the kitchen, or inside the mudroom.  Spot sweep any crumbs or debris when you see them.  Areas of less foot traffic can be swept every other day.
  • Mop weekly - Beyond the daily sweeping, give your wood floors a weekly mopping with a high quality cleaner that is specifically formulated for wood flooring.  Use a soft cloth mop, and mop gently so that the applicator head does not scrape or scratch the wood.
  • Find the right floor cleaner - Rather than soap, you’ll want to use a cleaner that is specially formulated to have a neutral pH.  Avoid using soap, as it can leave a residue that will attract dust and dirt once it dries, and avoid using any abrasive cleaning agents, as they can scratch and dull your floor.  
  • Don’t overwet - Moisture is an enemy of wood flooring.  When mopping, you want to cover the floor evenly, but not overly saturate it. Use a damp mop rather than a sopping wet one.
  • Clean by hand (when needed) - Clean the corners, stairs, and hard-to-reach places of your wood floor the old fashioned way: on your hands and knees.  Use your same cleaning solution, but apply it by hand, using a soft cloth, rather than with the mop.
  • Finish to protect - Apply a good quality, compatible finish to the wood floor in order to protect the surface and provide a barrier against moisture.  Most hardwood floor finishes on the market will leave a thick, waxy feel and look to your floor, and will peel up, sometimes pretty quickly after they’ve been applied.  It’s usually best to hire a good professional wood floor cleaning company and have their technicians apply a high quality coating to your floors.
  • Use mats - Put down mats and area rugs to add another level of protection for your wood floor.  A welcome mat outside the house can trap a lot of the dirt from being tracked in from outside.
  • Hire professional wood floor cleaners - At least once per year, treat your wood flooring to a high quality cleaning by the best professional cleaning company in your area.  Nothing makes wood floors sparkle better than a good professional cleaning!

You might have bamboo flooring in your modern downtown Jacksonville loft, or refinished maple in your San Marco home, or restored oak flooring in your historical Riverside Avondale home.  Regardless of the type of wood floor you have, it deserves the best floor cleaning service you can find.  The best cleaning company Jacksonville FL homeowners love and trust is First Coast Home Pros.  Our technicians are extensively trained in the techniques needed for cleaning every type of flooring, with special training for wood floor cleaning.  We’ll even apply a specialized finish to keep them looking good long after we’ve left!  For a clean and beautiful home right down to the wood floors, call on First Coast Home Pros.


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Topics: Wood Floor Cleaning

Why Is Gutter Cleaning Important?

Sep 22, 2016 8:00:00 AM


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Topics: Gutters

How To Clean Window Screens

Sep 15, 2016 8:00:00 AM

Your window screens can take a beating, though you might not realize it.  Here in Northeast Florida, our windows and screens are exposed to extreme elements during each season.  If you live in Ponte Vedra Beach or along Atlantic Beach, salt and sand can damage your screens.  If you live in the tree-filled neighborhoods throughout San Marco, downtown Jacksonville, and Mandarin, pollen and other natural debris get caught in your screens.  Regular cleaning - for screens and windows alike - will keep your view clear and your home clean!  Here’s how to tackle those screens:

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Topics: window and screen cleaning

12 Steps To A Truly Clean Kitchen Fast

Sep 8, 2016 8:00:00 AM

How can you get a sparkling clean kitchen without spending all day working on it?  We’ve got the roadmap you need!

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Topics: Housekeeping

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